Tag Archives: Constance Anderson

The Art of Collage at Bedford Gallery

Please join me and other artists for the opening reception at the Bedford Gallery’s upcoming juried exhibit, Cut Paste Create: The Art of Collage, on Saturday, July 6 from 12-2PM. I am excited to be part of this show and would love to see you there. However, if you cannot make it, the exhibit will be on view July 6-September 15. The Bedford Gallery is at 1601 Civic Dr. in Walnut Creek, CA bedfordgallery.org.

Lindsay Wildlife Experience Story Time Reading


Join me for story time…

at Lindsay Wildlife Experience, 11 a.m. Sunday, March 11.  I will read my newest picture book A Stick Until…The story follows a stick on its journey as a tool, and from a tool to a toy, to a tree.  Science information about stick use is included, like a science journal.

Story time at Lindsay will include  activities for children to participate, including a crafts project and an imagination starter!

Hope to see you there! Lindsay is located at:

My Television Interview: How To Make A Children’s Book

Recently I had the opportunity to challenge myself by accepting an invitation to discuss my career as an artist and author on the live local television show, Darlene Carman Presents.  The interview is now on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i77skI2ca-w

My first impulse was to say no to the invitation, too intimidating. So instead, I said yes! I am glad I did because it was a great experience.

discussing a page from my picture book Smelling Sunshine with Darlene and Doug Carman on their cable access TV show; Darlene Carman

Darlene Carman, Doug Carman, and I on their television show, Darlene Carman Presents, discussing my picture book, Smelling Sunshine

From participating in the show I learned:

  • How a television interview is put together –  Darlene’s approach is an exchange of information between the presenter and the interviewer; prior to the interview, Darlene and I communicated through email, exchanging ideas as she gathered information about my career.
  • How to help shape and prepare for a live interview – I gave Darlene as much information as she requested about my career, and she put together questions for the interview which worked as a guideline for my appearance;  I knew what we would be discussing.

Discussing how I illustrated a  page from Smelling Sunshine

A page I illustrated from my picture book, Smelling Sunshine

  • What the people involved in filming the show do, and what a great sense of comradely they share; there are multiple cameras for different angle shots and a floor ‘manager’ to conduct the show and keep track of timing; a friendly atmosphere pervades.
  • What a constructive force the Carman’s are for getting information out to the public – go through their YouTube shows, and you’ll notice their diverse interests; interviews include artist and naturalist John Muir Laws, writer Liz Cunningham, and wildlife photographer Elaine Bond.

Darlene Carman and I talking about the teddy bear page in Smelling Sunshine

Darlene Carman and I talking about the teddy bear page in Smelling Sunshine

  •  How to stop my mind from inventing self defeating stories, and allow an experience that is filmed at the moment unfold – preparation and meditation was the key; I had fun and enjoyed myself.

Find the interview on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i77skI2ca-w or look on You Tube: Darlene Carman Presents, How To Make A Children’s Book. I hope you enjoy the interview and learn something about how to make a children’s book.

Holding up an illustration from my new picture book, A Stick Until (Star bright Books, 2017)

An illustration from my new picture book, A Stick Until (Star Bright Books, 2017)

Pete Seeger

Planting Seeds of Song, from my picture book, Rise Up, Sing Out click on image to enlarge

Planting Seeds of Song, from my picture book, Rise Up, Sing Out
click on image to enlarge

Pete Seeger devoted his life to bringing people together through music, to inspiring and empowering them through song. It’s been a year since he passed away at age 94. He lived a life of fearless integrity standing up for what he believed, including freedom of speech, civil rights, labor rights, and the environment. The artwork here is my tribute to Pete as he plants seeds of song, inviting all voices to sing along.

For more information, watch the first authorized film biography documenting Pete Seeger’s contributions to folk music and society:


The following articles are also informative, and include video interviews with this remarkable man:




Fresh Tracks

charcoal, paint, foam board print

Fresh Tracks                       click on the image to enlarge

A new year rolls out ahead, ready for us to make our mark on it. I’ve been making fresh tracks in my studio using charcoal to draw the chatty neighborhood crows, the reclusive rabbit in the hills nearby, and the acrobatic backyard squirrel who hangs artfully from our grapevine in August, his cheeks stuffed with grapes.  I made a print of each of the animals, and painted textured paper for an imaginary snowy landscape. Then I went on an adventure, mixing all these elements together. Voila! Fresh Tracks. Where are your mark making adventures taking you?