Tag: A Stick Until
Children’s Fairyland Book Festival
Join me May 19 as Children’s Fairyland in Oakland presents Turn the Page! a day for children’s book authors and illustrators to meet and greet their young readers. I will be at my greet and meet table from 1:30-2:40 PM presenting A Stick Until and Smelling Sunshine. I will share my process for writing…
Lindsay Wildlife Experience Story Time Reading
Join me for story time… at Lindsay Wildlife Experience, 11 a.m. Sunday, March 11. I will read my newest picture book A Stick Until…The story follows a stick on its journey as a tool, and from a tool to a toy, to a tree. Science information about stick use is included, like a science journal. Story…
Interview with Kidlit411
Delighted to have an interview this week with the informative and fun blog, Kidlit411! I discuss my process for writing and illustrating with a focus on my newest picture book, A Stick Until…. Thanks so much to Sylvia Liu for the opportunity. Here is the link: http://www.kidlit411.com/2018/01/Kidlit411-Author-Illustrator-Constance-Anderson.html Illustration from A Stick Until… …
Welcome, 2018
HAPPY NEW YEAR “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” John Muir Illustration from A Stick Until…